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Posts posted by zverko

  1. I ti isto

    pa nije isto. moja bar nije trula i ne vuce se ko prebijen konj. drugo ti si nasiljio kitu kao da vozis avion a ne to sto vozis. sta si vozio pre toga, leba ti? evo ja ovako na nevidjeno, posto te ne poznajem, stavljam ruku na panj da u zivotu nisi terao nisa sto ima vise od 150ks, ali 100%. pritom, ne mislim da si uzeo peticu od drugara na miseluku pa pritsnuo gas dva puta i isaltao do trece brzine, nego da si bio vlasnik neceg jaceg od tog sto sad imas. o cemu br ti pricas, o kojim brzinama i voznji? i trece, ne citiraj post iznad, to se ne radi...

  2. Dijagnostika ne pokazuje nista...

    ovo je nemoguce ili neko ne zna da gleda. dijagnostika nisu samo greske. nadji ko zna da cita parametre dok motor radi. dizne ako nisu ciscene odgovarajucem tecnoscu mozes da ih bacis. bele svecice i nesagoreo benzin u isduvu ne idu jedno sa drugim. uradi CO2 test.bele svece, nizak ler, paljenje iz drugog puta i nemiran rad lice da je prno diftung glave.

  3. EDIT: cekaj, sta zahebavas kad je i velika kanta cetvorka. i nije FU nego EU ito je ok. nego, gde nadje ove filtere, leba ti? :blink: i ovaj car lube daj nekom komsiji da sipa u traktor. ne igraj se sa tim, napravices stetu za badava.

    kako god, zar ti nije palo na pamet recimo da okrenes AUTO Line i da ti sve sto ti treba posalju brzom postom. PLatis 300din vise ali znas sta si uzeo.

  4. Sta bre, kakav CL/SL ? Postoje ACEA i API standardi ili kategorije. Kanda ti se malo pomesalo.


    API stands for American Petroleum Institute. The API Service Classification System defines the performance level of a given oil, unrelated in the main, to oil viscosity.

    The API requirements "S" for Spark Ignition (petrol) and "C" for Compression Ignition (diesel) can be briefly described as follows.

    Petrol Engine Service Classifications


    Oil without additive


    Some antioxidant and anti scuff properties


    Meets 1964-1967 requirements of Automotive manufacturers


    Meets 1968-1971 requirements of Automotive manufacturers


    Meets 1972-1979 requirements of Automotive manufacturers


    Meets 1980-1988 requirements of Automotive manufacturers


    Meets 1989-1993 requirements of Automotive manufacturers


    Meets 1994-1997 requirements of Automotive manufacturers


    Meets 1998-2000 requirements of Automotive manufacturers


    Meets 2001-2004 on requirements of Automotive manufacturers


    Meets 2004-2011 on requirements of automotive manufacturers. XW-20 and XW-30 grades have chemical limits


    Meets 2011-on requirements of automotive manufacturers. Limited to 0W-20, 5W20, 0W-30, 5W-30 and 10W-30 grades and have chemical limits

    SA to SH

    are obsolete.

    Diesel Engine Service Classifications


    Light duty, high quality fuel, for MIL-L-2104A, 1954


    Moderate duty, lower quality (high sulphur) fuel


    Moderate to severe duty diesel and gasoline service MIL-L-2104B, 1964


    Severe duty diesel, including turbo, Caterpillar Series 3, MIL-L-2104C


    CD plus Detroit Diesel 6V53T approval for two stroke engines


    Turbo/Supercharged heavy duty diesels from 1983


    Off road indirect injection diesel engines and others using a broad range of fuel types including high sulphur. May be used to replace API CD oils


    Severe duty two stroke diesel engine service from 1994


    Severe Duty four stroke diesel engine service for lower emission diesel engines (from 1988)


    Severe Duty four stroke engines meeting 1994 emission standards (less than 0.5 fuel sulphur)


    High speed four stroke engines meeting 1998 emission standards (less than 0.5% fuel sulphur).


    High speed four stroke engines fitted with cooled EGR (released Dec 2001) and using low-sulphur fuel.

    CI-4 PLUS

    As per CI-4 but with further restrictions on after shear viscosity and perform ance. (released September 2004). Aust. 2008.


    Released in 2006 for 15ppm maximum fuel sulphur. Enhanced wear, protection 1.0% ash maximum. US EPA '07.

    CA to CF-4

    Are obsolete

    @blaguja: Zemlja porekla FU?

  5. Motorna ulja imaju rok upotrebe od 3 godina. Do skora je bio 5 i to je neka vrednost koja se još uvek toleriše. Naravno ne kupujte ulja starija od 3 godine a ako dobijete na poklon ili je vašom krivicom prekoračilo rok upotrebe (iako je kupljeno na vreme) držite se da u normalnim uslovima skladištenja (garaža bar) isto možete koristiti i 2 godine nakon isteka. Ukoliko je na samom ulju rok 5 godina ne premašujte rok za više od 6 meseci. U oba slučaja razmotrite malo skraćenje intervala zamene, na primer od 20% ili tu negde.


  6. Castrol proizvodi BP. Original je iz UK a ima ga i u US i AUS, NZL i CA. KOd nas mozes naci Austrijski bar kod pocinje sa 9 i Nemacki barkod pocinje sa 4. Original je onaj sa deklaracijom od uvoznika Castrol DOO Beograd ili Castrol Adria ili Platner ili Zdravkovic. Ova dva poslednja retko budu posto sve uglavnom ide preko Castrol DOO - Beograd. Ali ne mora samo Castrol. Sipaj Mobil,Q8,Motul,Liqui Moly...