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Everything posted by erf

  1. Here we are, i made some scratches and cracks i have to fix :preved: Recessed stealth camera in the spare wheel space, i was not so decided to drill the bumper. Now the bumper can be touched by some bad driver, camera won't be hurt as it is far from the bumper. It can't be seen from a normal human position or in following car, so it avoids vandalism as well.
  2. prva montaza ali stvaralo smetnja za kofere Sub i ampli su iza daska od 22 mm, skroz u kraj, sada sve moze uci bez problema.
  3. Prasina i prlavstine svugde ali ni je vazno, momentalno to je samo da vidim globalno kako to lici. Ni sam ni strafe zatego, samo sam drvene komada postavio da mogu odabrati farba, ili mat ili lakirana.
  4. Novi motor u auto ali do kad je bio auto u garaza ni sam mogo da radim sa preciznosti. Morao sam da popravim "faceplate" da udze bes problema, sad nema mesto ni sa papir da se stavi gore ili dole ali eto uslo je fino. Sad je vreme za "finition" da bude sve kao iz fabrika na industrialska visina. Ovde stari mrtvi cd rom koji me posluzil za da proverim dubucina i prilaz za zicama.
  5. erf

    Dead Pixels E39

    he he da e39 starudija motor
  6. he he ma to je ziva stramota za meni :)
  7. erf

    Dead Pixels E39

    ma nije vazno da li je ili ni je stari model, pitanje u kakvo stanje se nalazi i kako je sacuvano. moj stari e39 je mrtav bio godina dana posle sta sam ga kupio. imal sam za ono malo novac na raspolaganiu dva solucije. Uzeti ponovo jedno staro drtalo koj bi opet pao u kvar za kratko vreme jer ljudi gaziu te auta :) ili staviti jedan novi motor :lol: Odlucil sam se za novi motor, novi turbo i nova pumpa, to znaci da ima da vozim starudija jos 10 godina ali ni je vazno sta ljudi misliu, briga meni da sedim u naj posledni model, znam da cu putuvati bes problema :)
  8. erf

    Dead Pixels E39

    Pazi nisam hteo da uvredim osobe ali vec Bmw je stigo do E90 serije, E34, E39 to su stare vozila :)
  9. erf

    Dead Pixels E39

    Pa nemoze da se kaze da je na moderni model :)
  10. erf

    Dead Pixels E39

    Samo ako je auto u usa, ne vredi za euro, to je jedan poklon ili commercialni "geste" za amerikanska clientela. Lcd display da bi se skino mora imati specialni klucova da se oslobodiju igle, VDO ih ima i isto nudiju popravak ali kosta skoro cena jedan novi cluster. Da su mogle igle se izvaditi bes da se rupe naprivile to bi svi radili ali nemoguce drugace. Rupe su nevidlive jer su ispod stampana maska a pored to lcd functionise ponovo normalno. Za jedna starundija kao E39 ne vredi vise uloziti.
  11. Pa zato sto znam da ne znam dosta reci i slaba gramatika onda bolje mi je da pisem u engleski da ne lupam gluposti u srpski i da stvara jedna umorba kad se cita text :)
  12. erf

    Dead Pixels E39

    Ma ne znam, par stvare ali tako samo nije dosta da mozem ono sta ocu pisati suvise siromacna gramaticki i siromacni reci. Da ne uznimiravam ljudi sa glupave combinatie reci gde niko ne razume :) A kad jos treba nesto u vezi sa technika nemogu ni zamisliti.
  13. erf

    Dead Pixels E39

    Zato sto nije moguce se izvaditi na drugi nacin na E39 tacho. Probati izvlaciti igle ima sve zivo da rasturi od strana motore, nema druga solucija ili pa trebaju od VDO "tools".
  14. last version including the player with exposed front Still some tiny quirks to repair and some sanding but most of this part is finished :)
  15. erf

    Dead Pixels E39

    Below how to open the tachymeter, beware, if you start this, you will do at your own risks. You may release the metal bezel a little bit but without releasing it completely as i did, my lcd was completely blow so i opened it completely At this point, you can use some special "contact" spray designed for electronics and spray it on the part where the contact is made between the wires and the lcd. Let it dry completely. If this fails then you can use an alternate method as shown by budi, you have to drill and if you have the idea to remove the needles, forget
  16. I will see tomorrow under daylight where are still some tiny bad spots, it's too late for now but most of the second bezel is near to be finished.
  17. Last plug before i start fiberglass mould, this plug includes enough room for a dvd player within the space of the first faceplate i built but nothing more than a screen and a slot-in dvd player will fit :)
  18. Thank you for your welcome, your car seems to be evil that's right :) What the hell do you have under the hood, a monster ? :) :) Do you have more pics ?
  19. My first carpc was built with a no name card, pentium p266 with 512 K memory, hdisk of 4 Gb and playstation's screen i recycled for the in car use with a vga to s-video converter. It was not looking good as the bezel was of metal with a sticked velours lol :D What software were you using with your first carpc and what were the functions of it ?
  20. Wow this is an impressive work :D I would never try to play with fiberglass and dashboard, i'm total beginner with all those stuffs, i mean dismantling all and simply jump with an idea and fibers. Basically i'm not so confident with fiber works so i rather prefer to stay in my domain like software and automation and my bezel is a real pain lol. When you see the poor piece of bezel i built, this can sounds funny compared to your work, so kudos to you ! What kind of motherboard do you have ?
  21. At the present moment the software standalone is not available because it's messed with the kernel but after the meet i have this summer and depending of the results, i think i will have more visibility. For now i can' t decide because i don't know if the ship builder will be willing to have exclusivity on the product or if he will be ok to share. In case he wants exclusivity then i will make another one different version for Bimmers owners i could offer to the community. I hope this answer will satisfy you :D
  22. Checking how it would look instead of the plexi, this pic has been done with the old version of the bezel, looks too heavy but it can give an idea on how it could look in a E39. I'm waiting my car to take pics of the new version I just received the next part which will be integrated for the other bezel :D A slot in dvd rw