pomoc ukodiravanje kljuca za 523i

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potrebna mi je pomoc kako da ukodiram orginalni kljuc nw bmw 523i

nisam ga palio vise od mesec dana a bio je odkljucan nisam ga zakljucavao

i sada ga genije ne prepoznaje a oce da ga upali i odkljuca zakljuca ali nece alarm da isljuci i td

trenutno sam skinuo klemu sa akomulatora

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udjes u auto,zatvoris vrata,kljuc u kontakt bravu,okrenes kontakt na onaj stepen prije paljenja, vratis kontakt na 0, drzis dugme za otkljucavanje i tri puta stisnes dugme LOCK. Ako je ok,trebalo bi da se auto zakljuca i otkljuca. onda ponovis ovo sa kontaktom-stepen prije paljenja,pa 0 i to je to... makar za E39

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sve sam probqao

vratim klemu na akomulator upali se alarm i pisti zakljucam i odkljucam vrata imama jako malo vremena da udjem i dam kontakt da ne bi se drao vratim kontakt na 0 i stisnem odkljucavanje par se kundi dok ne pocne da treperi i onda lok tri puta i nista ponavljao sam 50 puta rane kombinacije odlepio sam nece da se ukodira a zamenio sam i batreiju

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sve sam probqao

vratim klemu na akomulator upali se alarm i pisti zakljucam i odkljucam vrata imama jako malo vremena da udjem i dam kontakt da ne bi se drao vratim kontakt na 0 i stisnem odkljucavanje par se kundi dok ne pocne da treperi i onda lok tri puta i nista ponavljao sam 50 puta rane kombinacije odlepio sam nece da se ukodira a zamenio sam i batreiju

onda prijatelju kod majstora koji rade alarme nema drugog rešenja

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Remote Key Re-Initialise - If a key fails to operate remotely, it will have to be re-initialised (all keys in sequence at the same time)

- Get in and “close all doors”

Turn ignition on & off quickly (no more than 5 seconds) to start the process. Next action must take place within 30 seconds

First key - hold down button #2 (unlock) while striking button #1 (lock) three times. Release button #2. Confirmed by door lock operation.

- Repeat for second key within 30 seconds of first.

After last key then cycle the ignition on/off to finalise the process (not necessary to start the engine.

Both keys should now have new "randomly selected" security "code words" - asigned by the car's system.

Those codes will be continuously incremented within the new sequence each time you hit a button. It is when they get out of sequence with the car that they loose the capability to be recognised and you then have to do this again.

That occurs when you take longer than 1 minute changing the battery, or if you hit buttons more often the 1000 times when it is out of range of the car.

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Remote Key Re-Initialise - If a key fails to operate remotely, it will have to be re-initialised (all keys in sequence at the same time)

- Get in and “close all doors”

Turn ignition on & off quickly (no more than 5 seconds) to start the process. Next action must take place within 30 seconds

First key - hold down button #2 (unlock) while striking button #1 (lock) three times. Release button #2. Confirmed by door lock operation.

- Repeat for second key within 30 seconds of first.

After last key then cycle the ignition on/off to finalise the process (not necessary to start the engine.

Both keys should now have new "randomly selected" security "code words" - asigned by the car's system.

Those codes will be continuously incremented within the new sequence each time you hit a button. It is when they get out of sequence with the car that they loose the capability to be recognised and you then have to do this again.

That occurs when you take longer than 1 minute changing the battery, or if you hit buttons more often the 1000 times when it is out of range of the car.

i jel šljaka posle ovoga

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ne brate sve sam cake probao i jos su mi i u delta motorsu rekli isti proces i nista jedino me brine sto ja imam samo jedan kljuc i to taj koji trenutno ne radi dok se na stranim cetovim pominje but key1 sa kojim to odradis pa ibacis ovaj sto neradi i onga napuni ali ja nemam vise kljuceva sem nekog servisnog obicnog kljuca ne znam da li ce da uplai blokadu kada ca vozim otero bi ga kod njih pa neka se zanimaju

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