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Pozdrav ljudi i jedno pitanje?Kako da ukljucim WEBASTO na BMW E46 320D?Vebaster je elektronski i na njemu imaju dva creva od rashladne tecnosti i prikljucak struje.

Nekad kad dam kontakt na drugo koleno,pocne da se cuje zujanje a nekad ne,tako da ne znam ima li gde na bordu opcija ukljucivanja itd.

Posto ga imam na autu i zima je pocela,ne bi bilo lose da ga koristim.Hvala.

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Automatski se ukljucuje kad je temp ispod 5 stepeni da potpomogne grejanje,nije to webasto kao na kamionima da mozes da ga palis kad ti hoces.I od momenta kad se ukljuci imas grejanje u roku od par minuta,samo za to sluzi.

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Znam da nije kao na kamionima,ali jedan drugar ima AUDI A4 i ukljucuje rucno i ima podesavanje na tajmer.Nisam pao sa kruske.

A sto se dijagnostike tice,ne izbacuje nikakvu gresku a sinoc je bilo -12 pa ga nisam cuo.

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ima puno faktora koji uticu na paljenje i gasenje tog dogrevaca, zato se i kvari toliko cesto. ako se dobro secam ne pali se ako napon bude ispod 13,5 da bi sprecio praznjenje akumulatora sto je verovatno uzrok sto ti ga trenutno ne pali...

cesto crkne senzor temperature u njemu pa i to sprecava paljenje. kad dostigne temperaturu vode od cini mi se 75 stepeni gasi se. ne secam se tacno svih detalja davno sam se zabavljao tim problemom.

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Electric Auxiliary Heater DDE 3.0 (E46 only)

The electric auxiliary heater heats the coolant with electric heating elements to compensate for the slight heat loss at high degrees of engine efficiency. Depending on the vehicle equipment, the heating request is sent either from the air conditioning system (IHKA) or from the heating control to the DDE control unit.

The heating elements only cut in only when there are sufficient electrical power reserves. To determine the available power reserves, the alternator sends a pulse duty factor signal corresponding to the current alternator load to the DDE control unit. Depending on the permitted additional alternator load, the DDE control unit activates the auxiliary heater with a square-wave signal with pulse duty factors (= variable pulse width) between 5 and 95 % thus controlling various heating power stages.

The idle speed is increased to 930 rpm when the auxiliary heater is activated.

Cutout conditions

The auxiliary heater is switched off under the following operating conditions:

  • Battery voltage < 12 V (ON hysteresis 12.8 V)
  • Engine speed < 790 rpm (ON hysteresis 810 rpm)
  • Time after engine start < 10 s

  • Coolant temperature

    The coolant temperature threshold that must be exceeded for the auxiliary heater to cut out is determined with the measured ambient temperature from a characteristic curve. Characteristic curve data:

Ambient temperature [°C]

Coolant temperature threshold [°C]











Important: A fixed coolant temperature threshold of 86 °C applies if no outside temperature sensor is fitted.

The outside temperature sensor is fitted in the following E46 models:

  • On all models with 6-cylinder engines
  • On models with 4-cylinder engines only with on-board computer or air conditioning.

The auxiliary heater is also switched off when one of the following fault codes is stored:

  • 35, "Coolant temperature sensor"
  • 1B, "Electric auxiliary heater"
  • 75, "Alternator load signal"

The activation function is monitored for short-circuit and open circuit.

Fault code 1B "electric auxiliary heater" is stored if a defect occurs.

Consequence: Poor heating capacity at low temperatures

If the alternator indicates a load signal of 0 %, fault code 75 "Alternator load signal" is stored.

Consequence: Auxiliary heater is switched off

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